
Location: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

I love people. Most people say I have a "mother's heart". I love to talk about Jesus and what He is teaching me. I love to learn from young adults. They have so much to offer the world. I work much - at a Christian book store and for a Live Blood Analysist.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wonder or Worry

"When man ceases to wonder,
God's secrets remain unrevealed."

"I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth." Joel 2:30 NIV

Do you wonder ... or do you worry? There is a close relation between the two but it is from the lens we look through!

What does "wonder" mean? The dictionary expresses it this way... astonishment
...exciting admiration
...a miracle
...speculate about something
...curious to know

What does "worry" mean? The dictionary expresses it this way... or make anxious
...anxiousness - a troubled unsettled feeling
...cause of anxiety

There is a difference between being curious to know and to speculate than being anxious and troubled about something so you are fretting.

I sometimes get caught between the two. There are times when I'm anxious and troubled about something but at the same time there is a sense of wonder and sense of curiousness to see "how all these things will work together for good". It is a tussle! In many ways it is a moment by moment choice to push through the anxiety to grab the faith to trust to see the wonder. Let me suggest it is like when I was a child and would see my dad. I'd be afraid of falling but I'd jump from the top of the stairs trusting my dad would catch me and be amazed that he did!

I want my life to be filled with "wonder" ... admiration and awe and a curiousness to know more about God.

We have taken a huge step of faith to trust God in several things right now and even today I am amazed at what He has already done and yet wonder as to how He will "complete" this step. I don't want to give details on this blog but I'm amazed and yet sense a "yes He will accomplish this for us" because He is my Daddy.!!

I trust each of you will have a WONDER filled New Year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


"And Mary pondered all these things in her heart".

I have been "Pondering" much lately! consider carefully to think about something carefully over a period of time, to contemplate, to wonder how the dictionary describes the word ponder.

As a mother I ponder the consequences of choices my children may make. I ponder their giftings and their potential. I wonder about my own life. Can you imagine being the mother of Jesus and considering the things that had been breathed to her? Like WOW! Consider the pain Mary must have carried as she watched her Son...give his life for her sin! Can you imagine!

Besides the "pondering", I've been thinking so much this season of Mary's song. Due to the circumstances and all, what on earth was Mary thinking of 'singing'. She magnifies and worships God! Her soul magnified the Lord.

I've been awaking every morning with that line "My soul doth magnify the Lord and doth rejoice in God my Saviour". My life has been mega stressed ... deadlines for mail outs, books, gifts, meals, 2 jobs, laundry, cleaning, and all. Deep in my heart I'm rejoicing in God my Saviour. He knows my deepest feelings and longings for Him. I get frustrated with the distractions and pray I can "manage" them and that He can show me how to "manage" better.

As I walk through my day, I'm encountering hurting people. A gal at the check-out till at the grocery store pours out her heart to me. Another gal shares with me that her step-Dad is dying. Another lady pours out her heart to me at work. Another family phone crying as they are hurting with grief from the loss of their daughter. The pain this time of year is SO HEAVY! It seems it intensifies. So I ponder...A time of celebration and joy can also be a time of deep pain. Did Mary ponder all these things? Did she wonder if Jesus could really handle all that would come His way? How would he manage rejection by the people He was coming to give His life for? How would He deal with people who were too busy to care?

You can see that I'm "Pondering". I haven't gathered these thoughts into a 3 point summary. I've just rambled a little but one thing for sure ... I'm glad Jesus came. I'm glad He loves me so much that He is willing to walk with me (MY Immanuel). I'm so humbled to be His child.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Kingdom People

D.L. Moody wrote
"I have noticed this, that when a man is full of the Holy Ghost he is the very last man to be complaining of other people."

The kingdom of God is ...
of righteousness,
peace and
joy in the Holy Spirit,
anyone who serves Christ in this way
is pleasing to God
and approved by men.
Romans 14:17-18 be FILLED with the Spirit on a DAILY basis so I can walk this out!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Just extemely busy right now...Bookkeeping and more bookkeeping...setting up for new year and all that jazz.

Have been pondering Nehemiah rebuilding the Wall. There were so many things to distract Nehemiah from his mission - people, ridicule, leaders calling for special meetings - but he stayed focused on obeying God. There are so many things pull us in different directions that it is so easy to get off course. Did you know that if a ship gets just a wee bit off course, it won't end up anywhere near its destination? Whoa! It is so important we keep focused!

He didn't do it alone either. He had the "family" work together...side by side. We do need one another to keep us going, to encourage us, to protect us and keep us safe. Wow! I'm so thankful for those who walk with me.