
Location: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

I love people. Most people say I have a "mother's heart". I love to talk about Jesus and what He is teaching me. I love to learn from young adults. They have so much to offer the world. I work much - at a Christian book store and for a Live Blood Analysist.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Recently we were driving across the prairies. I was observing all the signs of spring. In Manitoba we saw the flood waters that spread across the land, washing away roads, taking out bridges, threatening farm homes and animals. Because of the high waters, many deer were killed on the roads as they were trying to find high ground only to find more danger. We saw the Canadian geese returning, nesting and swimming in frigid waters. How do they do that and keep their webbed feet from becoming frozen?

What I enjoyed the most though was watching the spring calves. They are so adorable. I watched this one little guy trying to get up. He was so wobbly. He lifted his hind end, splayed his hind holves apart and then proceeded to life his head. He tried to unravel his front legs but did a face plant. Did he give up? No he tried again. His right leg got planted and then his left leg shakely spread at a triangle, he pushed and pulled till he had himself up. All four legs started to wobble and I thought he was going to go down again. He did stay up and then he tried to walk. That was so funny. We have 2 feet to co-ordinate but he has four. He had to figure out how to move 2 at once and then the other 2. Cows walk by moving one right leg and one left leg at the same time. Now how do they figure that out? It was so fun to watch.

We watched flocks of birds returning. I saw this one little fellow carrying a twig bigger than himself as he worked hard to build his new home. How he didn't fall out of the sky amazed me!

The other thing I enjoyed over the Easter weekend was the quiet of the country. O what bliss! When we live in a city, noise becomes so much a part of our lives that we don't hear it until there is absolute stillness and then we "hear" the stillness. It was heavenly.

Take time to enjoy the Spring!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


"As long as our minds are stayed on our dear selves, we shall never have peace." D. L. Moody

Isn't that the truth!

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee." Isaiah 26:3

Friday, April 07, 2006

Little Things

I'm kind of into these quotable quotes right now. I love things that are said concise & to the point. Here is another quote from Mother Teresa:

"Be faithful in the small things because it is in them that your strength lies."

I read an article that talked about this. We want to give 100% not 99.9% because what if ... the surgeon didn't quite finish his surgery ... the accountant didn't balance his books ... the ship didn't stay on course (like the ferry in BC)... you get the picture......DISASTER.

That is an incredible challenge to us to stay the the little things properly...and it will in the long run be to our benefit.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Happy at Work

From Mother Teresa...
"The miracle is not that we DO this work, but that we are HAPPY to do it." (emphasis mine)

I read that quote and was challenged. My list of "to do" today is always endless and sometimes things I do are not necessarily cleaning the toilet or dusting or balancing the books... One thing is certain...the miracle IS not that I DO this work but that I am HAPPY when it is done! I'm afraid I'm not always HAPPY doing the work but I AM happy when it is accomplished!