
Location: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

I love people. Most people say I have a "mother's heart". I love to talk about Jesus and what He is teaching me. I love to learn from young adults. They have so much to offer the world. I work much - at a Christian book store and for a Live Blood Analysist.

Friday, March 17, 2006

A Vacuum Lesson

Last night I was vacumming at the store. I had all this grit to pick up so moved the intake hose from the beater to the wand. It is one of these upright jobbers that is built for a body builder to use. It takes all my might to push the thing around! I am not a body builder!!!! Anyway I got interrupted and had to care for some customers and when I went back to vacuum, I forgot I had moved the intake hose. I started vacuuming and could not figure out why I was not picking any of the junk on the floor up. Then I realized the problem!!!!

All of a sudden I many times are there things we are doing that seem right but are so wrong. How many times do we get distracted by things in life so that we forget to correct something in our life? MMM.... just got me thinking!

Weird how a vacuum can teach you!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I may be olive green but I'm also very green when it comes to figuring out some of these computer things!!!!! DUH!!!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Need to Get Away

Have you ever felt the need to get away? Have you felt overwhelmed at times by the craziness of life? It seems we are all pushing the petal to the metal. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round but can't get off. The funny thing is even though I feel that, I am sensing a peace & joy.

The first feelings like this made me angry when people would go on a vacation or take a weekend off. I knew I couldn't for several reasons. Now I'm totally content with that though.

What made me come to that point? I was thinking about the crowds that pressed Jesus. He wanted to be alone but felt for those around him. I've wanted to make time for lunch with a friend but haven't been able to but Jesus went through that too. Have you even felt let down by friends? I have. But who understands that too. Jesus friends all left him when the crunch came.

I'm just so thankful that Jesus understands me and He will always come to me to help me with all these "feelings". He's been there long before me. He is the one that gives to me. He is the one that comforts me, strengthens me and helps me to feel content and joy in the midst of the stresses of life.

Yeah !!!!